What’s the Fuss about BRC-20 Tokens?

Abiodun Ajayi
9 min readDec 25, 2023


Token creation has become a critical component of decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystems in the ever-changing world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. The BRC20 token is one example of a popular type of token.

BRC20 tokens are a form of blockchain-based digital asset that is specially created to comply with the BRC20 token standard. These currencies are frequently linked to the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), a blockchain platform noted for its scalability and interoperability with Ethereum smart contracts.

The development of BRC20 tokens opens up a world of possibilities for individuals, businesses, and projects looking to harness the advantages of blockchain technology. Whether it’s launching a new cryptocurrency, creating digital assets to represent real-world assets, or facilitating decentralized applications (dApps), BRC20 tokens have proven to be a versatile and valuable tool.

Key features of BRC20 tokens typically include:

  1. Interoperability: BRC20 tokens are designed to be compatible with various blockchain wallets, exchanges, and DeFi platforms, making them accessible and tradeable across a wide ecosystem.
  2. Customizability: Developers have the flexibility to define the characteristics of BRC20 tokens, such as total supply, divisibility, and other parameters, to suit their specific use cases.
  3. Decentralization: BRC20 tokens are typically decentralized, relying on blockchain technology and smart contracts to ensure transparency, security, and trustlessness.
  4. Use Cases: BRC20 tokens can serve various purposes, from acting as a medium of exchange to representing ownership rights, governance, and participation in decentralized networks.

As the cryptocurrency and blockchain space continues to evolve, BRC20 token development remains a dynamic and innovative field. Whether you’re an entrepreneur seeking to launch a new blockchain project or a developer looking to contribute to the decentralized future, understanding the ins and outs of BRC20 token development is a crucial step in harnessing the potential of blockchain technology.

This introductory overview sets the stage for a deeper exploration of BRC20 token development, including the technical aspects, best practices, and the broader implications of this exciting blockchain innovation.

BRC20 Tokens: Taking Over The Crypto Market

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, one category of digital assets has been making waves and rapidly gaining prominence — BRC20 tokens. These tokens, primarily associated with the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), have been making a significant impact on the crypto market and are poised to play a pivotal role in its future.

The Rise of BRC20 Tokens

The ascent of BRC20 tokens can be attributed to several key factors that make them stand out in the crowded crypto space:

  1. Efficiency and Speed: Binance Smart Chain, the blockchain upon which BRC20 tokens are built, is renowned for its speed and efficiency. Transactions on BSC are fast and cost-effective, making it an attractive choice for developers and users alike.
  2. Interoperability: BRC20 tokens are designed to be interoperable with the Ethereum network, meaning they can often be used in Ethereum-compatible wallets and dApps. This interoperability broadens their reach and utility.
  3. Low Fees: Unlike some other blockchains, Binance Smart Chain boasts remarkably low transaction fees, which is particularly appealing in a market where high gas fees have been a concern.
  4. Decentralization: BRC20 tokens, like other cryptocurrencies, operate on a decentralized network. This characteristic ensures transparency, security, and trust in an era when decentralization is highly valued.
  5. Diverse Use Cases: BRC20 tokens can serve a myriad of purposes, from being used as a medium of exchange to representing ownership stakes, governance rights, and participation in decentralized applications (dApps).

Impact on the Crypto Market

BRC20 tokens are not just another addition to the crypto market; they are disruptors. Their rise has several significant implications:

  1. Diversification: BRC20 tokens introduce diversity to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, offering users and investors more options to explore and diversify their portfolios.
  2. Competition: The growth of BRC20 tokens has spurred healthy competition among blockchain platforms. Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and others are now vying for developers and users, driving innovation and improvements across the board.
  3. DeFi and Beyond: BRC20 tokens have found a natural home in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector. Their utility extends beyond DeFi, impacting various industries such as gaming, supply chain, and real estate.
  4. Global Accessibility: BRC20 tokens have the potential to bring cryptocurrency adoption to a global scale, especially in regions where high fees and slow transactions have been barriers to entry.

As BRC20 tokens continue to make their mark on the crypto market, it is clear that they are here to stay. Their versatility, speed, and cost-effectiveness have positioned them as formidable players in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, and their impact on the broader blockchain ecosystem is likely to be felt for years to come.

How to create a BRC20 token in simple steps?

Creating a BRC20 token involves developing a smart contract on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Here are the simplified steps to create a BRC20 token:

Note: Before proceeding, ensure that you have some basic knowledge of blockchain development, access to a development environment, and BNB (Binance Coin) to cover transaction fees on the BSC network.

Set Up Your Development Environment:

  • Install a code editor like Visual Studio Code.
  • Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager).
  • Install the Truffle framework for Ethereum smart contract development.

Initialize Your Truffle Project:

  • Open your terminal and navigate to the folder where you want to create your project.
  • Run the following commands:

Write the BRC20 Smart Contract:

  • In your project folder, navigate to the contracts directory.
  • Create a new Solidity file, e.g., MyBRC20Token.sol, and define your BRC20 token contract. You can use the OpenZeppelin library for security and standard implementation.
  • Here’s a simplified example:

Compile and Migrate the Contract:

  • Run the following commands in your terminal:
  • Replace <network_name> with the network you want to deploy to (e.g., “BSc” for Binance Smart Chain).

Interact with Your BRC20 Token:

  • You can use Truffle console or web3.js to interact with your BRC20 token contract. For example, minting more tokens, transferring tokens, or querying balances.

Verify and Publish Your Contract (Optional):

  • If you want others to verify and interact with your contract on BscScan easily, you can verify and publish your contract source code. Follow BscScan’s verification process for this.

Test Your Token:

  • Create test cases using Truffle’s testing framework (optional but recommended).

Deploy to Mainnet (Optional):

  • If you’re ready to deploy your token on the Binance Smart Chain mainnet, repeat step 4, but specify the mainnet network and ensure you have sufficient BNB for gas fees.

Remember that creating and deploying a token comes with responsibilities, including security, compliance with regulations, and maintaining the token’s functionality. It’s essential to thoroughly test your contract and consider seeking legal advice if needed before launching a BRC20 token.

Rising Use Cases of BRC20 Tokens

BRC20 tokens, built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), have gained significant traction in the cryptocurrency space due to their versatility and utility. These tokens have found applications across various industries, showcasing their potential to revolutionize traditional processes. Here are some of the rising use cases of BRC20 tokens:

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): BRC20 tokens have become integral to the DeFi ecosystem. They are used for yield farming, liquidity provision, and as collateral in lending platforms. Tokens like BUSD and USDT on BSC facilitate stablecoin trading, while others power decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and automated market makers (AMMs).
  2. Gaming and NFTs: BRC20 tokens are used in blockchain-based gaming platforms and for creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs). These tokens enable in-game purchases, asset ownership, and unique digital collectibles, enhancing the gaming experience and creating new monetization models for developers.
  3. Cross-Border Payments: BRC20 tokens offer an efficient and cost-effective means of conducting cross-border transactions. They enable users to send and receive funds globally with reduced fees and faster settlement times compared to traditional banking systems.
  4. Tokenization of Assets: Real-world assets, such as real estate, art, and commodities, can be tokenized using BRC20 tokens. This process allows for fractional ownership and easier transfer of assets, opening up investment opportunities to a broader audience.
  5. Supply Chain Management: BRC20 tokens are utilized to enhance transparency and traceability in supply chains. Each token can represent a unique product or batch, making it easier to track the origin and authenticity of goods, particularly in industries like food and pharmaceuticals.
  6. Governance and Voting: Projects and organizations can use BRC20 tokens for governance purposes. Token holders can participate in decision-making processes, such as voting on protocol upgrades or proposals, based on the number of tokens they hold.
  7. Charitable Donations: BRC20 tokens are increasingly being used in charitable initiatives. Transparent blockchain records ensure that donations reach their intended recipients, reducing fraud and increasing donor trust.
  8. Tokenized Securities: BRC20 tokens can represent ownership in traditional securities like stocks and bonds. This tokenization process makes trading and settlement more efficient, potentially disrupting traditional financial markets.
  9. Tokenized Stablecoins: Stablecoins like USDT and USDC have been issued as BRC20 tokens on the Binance Smart Chain, offering users a reliable store of value and a means of hedging against cryptocurrency price volatility.
  10. DApp Incentives: DApp developers use BRC20 tokens to incentivize user adoption and activity within their applications. This fosters a vibrant ecosystem of decentralized applications on BSC.

As BSC continues to grow and attract more developers and users, the use cases for BRC20 tokens are likely to expand even further. Their speed, low transaction fees, and interoperability with Ethereum make them a compelling choice for various blockchain-based solutions across industries, and their influence on the cryptocurrency space continues to rise.

List of few trending BRC20 Tokens

I cannot provide you with a list of “trending” BRC20 tokens, as token trends in the cryptocurrency market can change rapidly. However, I can mention a few BRC20 tokens that were notable and gaining attention at that time. Keep in mind that the popularity and trends for specific tokens may have evolved since then. Here are a few BRC20 tokens to explore or research further:

  1. Binance Coin (BNB): BNB is the native cryptocurrency of the Binance Smart Chain and serves as the primary fuel for transactions and smart contract executions on the network.
  2. Binance USD (BUSD): BUSD is a stablecoin on the Binance Smart Chain, designed to maintain a 1:1 peg with the US dollar. It’s often used for trading and as a stable store of value.
  3. CAKE (PancakeSwap): CAKE is the native token of the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Binance Smart Chain. Holders can stake CAKE tokens and participate in the governance of the platform.
  4. BakeryToken (BAKE): BAKE is the utility token of the BakerySwap DEX on the Binance Smart Chain. Users can stake BAKE tokens to earn rewards within the platform.
  5. Helmet (HELMET): HELMET is the native token of the Helmet. Insure platform, which provides decentralized insurance services for DeFi users on Binance Smart Chain.
  6. Venus (XVS): XVS is the governance token of the Venus DeFi platform, which offers lending and borrowing services, similar to Compound and Aave on Ethereum.
  7. Alpaca Finance (ALPACA): ALPACA is the governance token of the Alpaca Finance lending platform, allowing users to earn interest on deposited assets.
  8. Spartan Protocol (SPARTA): SPARTA is the native token of the Spartan Protocol, a decentralized liquidity platform that offers synthetic assets and yield farming.
  9. Bogged Finance (BOG): BOG is the utility token of the Bogged Finance decentralized trading platform, which includes DEX, charts, and other trading tools.
  10. Helmet Vault (HV): HV is another token associated with the Helmet. Insure platform, used for participating in the yield farming and liquidity provision pools.

Please note that the cryptocurrency market is highly dynamic, and token popularity can change rapidly due to various factors such as market sentiment, project developments, and broader industry trends. It’s essential to conduct thorough research and stay updated with the latest information before considering any investment in cryptocurrencies. Additionally, new BRC20 tokens may have emerged since my last knowledge update.


In summary, BRC20 tokens built on the Binance Smart Chain are gaining traction as versatile digital assets that enable a multitude of use cases across industries like finance, gaming, supply chain, and more. With benefits like efficiency, scalability, low fees, and interoperability, BRC20 tokens present an appealing option for developers building decentralized applications as well as everyday users of crypto networks.

As blockchain technology continues maturing, BRC20 tokens stand to play a key role as catalytic drivers of innovation. Their flexibility and ability to enable new solutions can disrupt traditional business models across sectors. However, it’s important to note that the crypto market is highly unpredictable. With such potential also comes volatility and risk. Performing due diligence around coins and tokens along with tracking market movements is crucial for anyone looking to explore the space.

While BRC20 tokens harbor exciting potential, thoughtful research, evaluating risks, and keeping updated on trends are essential for making well-informed decisions in the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies. The future promises more mainstage adoption of blockchain-based tokens, but separating stable opportunities from hype will remain key.



Abiodun Ajayi

Abiodun Ajayi has more than 6 years of experience in Security and IT architecture. He consults and helps form strategies, perform project feasibility studies.